Monday, January 9, 2012

Words two

This was the first poem I ever wrote, its a little rough and there is so much going on. I think I tried to put all my life experiences in one literary mold.

a poem

As a little child would never know

what danger the heart faced

The translucent pain that would

find this life in a dreary mess.

Secrets hidden for generations and

lies consumption taken control

while other souls held at bay.

Buried would bitterness and a torn heart

lay beneath the pretense that show

Acwored and hesitant facing this world

questioning only what was feared,


Grasping however the light some times seen

but only glimpses would they explain

Above the lies and hate hope would bring first fruits

and rest for the soul caught within the darkness

whose hue what tainted, (as) light.

Tattered hope will only sustain

but never bring release

A choice must be made,

face that witch is alone and dark

or forever run into its infinites (existence)

Not alone, will this darkness be challenge

For a friend would not only pass buy but stop!

To nurturer and teach the frightened and captive heart

By Elizabeth M

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